Michelle Kay Anderson

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Mistake managers make: taking on the work of their team

Some managers, rather than let a team drop the ball or experience a failure, will take on the work themselves and put in extra hours to make things happen.

And it makes sense - you feel on the hook to deliver and sometimes it is easier just to do it yourself than to risk your team making a mistake or having to deal with pushback or disrespect from a team member. 

Have you ever thought: 

💬 It’s my job to pick up the pieces.

💬 We will miss the deadline unless I step in.

💬 It is my responsibility for the team to deliver. 

💬 My ass is on the line. I can’t afford a miss.

💬 If you want it done right, you’ve got to do it yourself.

💬 It seems like I’m the only competent person around here…

💬 Once we get through this, things will be fine. 

But managers who resort to over-functioning for their team tend to feel overworked and resentful. That’s because they are having to do the job of an individual contributor as well as the manager! (🚨 Spoiler alert: This is a recipe for burnout.)

If you are dealing with a difficult employee who won’t do what they are asked, or if you are having to pick up the pieces to make sure things happen the way they should, you are likely managing an ineffective team.