How do you find ease and flow as a team?

If you want to build a high-impact team or achieve that big-hairy-audacious goal, you have to be willing to put in the effort to see it through. But that doesn’t mean it has to be difficult or laborious, necessarily.

When you establish a strong foundation of trust, get everyone on the same page, and design your work to play to the natural strengths on your team, you can find a sense of flow and ease. And that is when things start to feel fun. 🌈

But this is different than popular concepts in manifesting like “calling it in” or in religion when people are “waiting for God to open doors.” Of course we want this to be easy! But who said the big stuff was supposed to be easy - did you really expect it would be?

The reality is that if it were easy, you’d already have accomplished that goal. The very fact that it is outside of your reach is at once motivating and terrifying. 🫣

And that is the sweet spot of growth - not so far outside of your reach that it feels impossible or triggers a fear response. But not so easy that it isn’t motivating. Our brains like a challenge and variety. And you can use goals to help tap into that natural desire.

Take a second to reflect: 🤔
💭 What upleveling is required?
💭 Is there a new skill that would help you achieve that goal?
💭 Do you need a little more experience?
💭 Could you use some more help or different resources?
💭 OR Is it time to stop procrastinating and just take some massive action and see what happens?


Do specific goals really work?


New Year's Reflection